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Young - for the young.
22 and more opportunities to be together.

komanda geltona

22 bendra būtis - a center of complex services for young people, where organizations working with young people, specialists and young people of Vilnius city and all of Lithuania gather under one roof.


The consultations, trainings, events and spaces provided by the center enable young people to get the necessary information, support or a place to simply be and express themselves in a convenient and accessible way. Community 22 aims to ensure comprehensive response to youth needs and youth empowerment.

Vision - the most advanced youth community in Lithuania


22 bendra būtis - a center of complex services for young people, where organizations working with young people, specialists and young people of Vilnius city and all of Lithuania gather under one roof.


The consultations, trainings, events and spaces provided by the center enable young people to get the necessary information, support or a place to simply be and express themselves in a convenient and accessible way. 22 community aims to ensure comprehensive response to youth needs and youth empowerment.


Provide different non-formal education and youth work services for young people.


Ką pavyko nuveikti per 2023 metus?

  • Strateginės sesijos ir 22 išėjimas į viešumą

  • Virš 280 rezervacijų 22 erdvėse

  • Virš 1500 renginių dalyvių

  • Virš 50 atvirų renginių ir mokymų asmeninio augimo, karjeros, būsto, savanorystės, sveikatos, kūrybos bei kitomis jaunimui aktualiomis temomis...


  • Dalinimasis bendra būtimis su TJA,  VJOSAS, JSPF, Lytiškumo namais, JIK, Jauna Banga, OpenPlay.


Spaces and activities are coordinated

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Vilnius Youth Information and Volunteering Center

This institution encourages and nurtures the voluntary activities of the residents of the city of Vilnius, organizes and implements various projects and events on volunteering and other topics relevant to young people, shares important information for young people and provides consultations.


Vilnius City Municipality Youth Department

The Youth Department of the Vilnius City Municipality takes care of 22 bendra būtis spaces and ensures the smooth operation of the coordinating organization (VJISC) in 22 bendra būtis spaces.

Spaces that have long sought good


1807 m.

1983 m.

2020 m.

2022 m.

2023 m.


2023 m.

„Vilniaus labdarybės draugija“

"Vilnius Charity Society" was established. The aim of the society was to fight against vagrancy, take care of the poor and sick, and take care of children and the elderly.

„Žinijos draugija“

The "Knowledge Society" was founded - the only NGO in Lithuania that organizes lectures and their cycles on the most diverse and relevant topics.

„Naktinis Vilniaus Avilys“

"Naktinis Vilniaus Avilys" was established - a space created by NGOs and other sector organizations, which promotes creativity and prevention from psychotropic substances.

"Vilnius Youth Information and Volunteering Center"

The spaces have been handed over to the "Vilnius Youth Information and Volunteering Center" for coordination, which operates in the areas of volunteering promotion and development of youth information and counseling services. 

„22 bendra būtis“ - complex services center for young people

"22 bendra būtis" - Youth initiative of the year

During the 58th LiJOT Assembly Awards, 22 bender būtis won the award


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Youth space



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Vilnius st. 22 - 3,

LT-01402, Vilnius 

Visit from Vilniaus st. sides

Find us on the second floor

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© 2025 by 22 bendra būtis

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