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Free day camps for the youth of the city of Vilnius


Day Camp - "Summer of Opportunities"

2022. 08. 08 - 2022. 08. 12

On August 8-12, 2022, the Vilnius Youth Information and Volunteering Center organized a day summer camp for young people aged 13-17 living in Vilnius. 

The project was financed by:

Stovyklos metu vyko užsiėmimai apie medijų raštingumą (Asociacija Lietuvos Skeptiškas jaunimas), psichotropinių medžiagų žalos mažinimą (Jauna Banga) bei įvairias jaunimo mobilumo galimybes ir savanorystę (Žinau viską). Kiekvieną dieną stovyklos dalyvių turėjo galimybę sudalyvauti  komandiškumą, savęs pažinimą skatinančiose fizinio aktyvumo ir pilietiškumo veiklose.  

Day Camp - "Discover Undiscovered Possibilities"

2021. 08. 16 - 2022. 08. 20

On August 16-20, 2021, the Vilnius Youth Information and Volunteering Center organized a day summer camp for young people aged 14-18 living in the city of Vilnius.

The project was financed by:

Camp participants had the opportunity to learn more about volunteering, leadership, ecology and other various opportunities for young people. Every day, various entertainments awaited the young people - orientation, excursions and a hike with a guide. 

city of Vilnius

Day Camp - "Discover Undiscovered Possibilities"

2020. 08. 16 - 2020. 08. 20

2020m.  lapkričio 16-20 dienomis vyko pirmoji Vilniaus jaunimo informacijos ir savanorystės centro oraganizuojama stovykla –   „Savanorystė man tinka!”.

Projektą finansavo:

Every day, young people had the opportunity to join various activities, the topics of which were - citizenship, ecology, volunteering, health. Also, there were creative sessions and discussions with specialists in their fields. 

city of Vilnius
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